The Irish Space Sector Christmas Party is organised to bring the Irish Space Community together – to bring people from industry, academia, astronomy and general space enthusiasts all in the one room to have a bit of space banter and catch up on all the goings on in the Irish Space Sector.
Irish Space Sector Christmas Party 2018
The 2018 party was held in the Grand Social in Dublin, it was a fantastic night. We had three flash talks:
- Terry Moseley of the Irish Astronomical Association speaking about ESO
- James Murphy of Maynooth University talking about cosmology
- Dillon O’Reilly speaking about ISU

Irish Space Sector Christmas Party 2017
The 2017 party was held once again in Foley’s bar, it was once again a brilliant night. We had the following “Flash talks”:
- Aoife Ryan from Trinity talking about I-LOFAR
- David Murphy fromUCD talking about EIRSAT-1
- Cian O’Cuilleanain from Baily Labs talking about the ISU being in Ireland
- Maggie Goulden talking about Trinity Space Society
- Shane Cartey demonstrating his tracking satellite simulation

Irish Space Sector Christmas Party 2016
The 2016 party was held in Foley’s bar – it was brilliant. We had the following “Flash talks”:
- National Space Centre talking about their facility in Cork
- Johannes Norheim from MIT talking about BASALT, a NASA funded research project focused on Mars science and human exploration
- Stephen Ennis talking about Trinity Space Society
- Laura Keogh talking about the Space Generation Advisory Council
- ISU talking about SSP17 coming to Cork, Ireland